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UX Design in Adobe XD

M&K Beach Snack Shop

Let me share with you the exciting design work I accomplished for the second prompt of the Google UX design course. The task was to create a user-friendly website for a beach snack shop, where customers could easily place orders for mouthwatering items, beach gear, and food to go.

Beach Design Sketch
Home Page.png
Week 5 Beach Snack Shop.png
Hifi - Shopping Item – 3.png
Hifi - Checkout.png
The Designer's Role

As the designer, my role in this project was to create a user-friendly and visually appealing solution for beach lovers who desired a convenient way to order snacks without disrupting their enjoyment under the sun. I took on the responsibility of understanding the users' needs and preferences, incorporating the principles of the design process to develop innovative ideas and prototypes, and refining the designs to ensure a seamless and enjoyable user experience. Through continuous learning and reflection, I aimed to improve my skills as a UX designer and deliver a solution that exceeded customer expectations.

Project Goal

The primary goal of this project was to provide beachgoers with a hassle-free and efficient method of ordering snacks, eliminating the inconvenience caused by long lines and the risk of missing out on their favorite treats during busy beach days. The objective was to create a user-friendly website that captured the essence of the beach experience, offering a visually appealing interface and intuitive navigation. The ultimate aim was to enhance customer satisfaction by streamlining the ordering process and optimizing the overall beachgoing experience.

Target Audience

The target audience for this project was beach lovers who sought a seamless and enjoyable snack ordering experience. These individuals valued convenience and wanted to avoid disruptions to their beach activities. The design aimed to cater to both tech-savvy users who were familiar with online ordering platforms and those who may have been less experienced with such applications. By creating an accessible and user-friendly design, the target audience could easily navigate the website and place snack orders effortlessly.

Key Challenges or Constraints

One of the key challenges in this project was designing for the constraints imposed by the beach environment, such as potential connectivity issues and varying screen sizes of mobile devices. The design needed to be adaptable to different devices and provide a smooth experience even with limited internet connectivity. Additionally, ensuring that the design captured the essence of the beach atmosphere while maintaining usability and clarity presented its own set of challenges.

Research Study Details

To gain insights into the target audience's needs and preferences, I conducted user research, interviews, and observation at various beach locations. This study allowed me to empathize with the users and understand their pain points, preferences, and behaviors related to snack ordering at the beach. The research study provided valuable insights that informed the subsequent design decisions and ensured the solution was tailored to the specific needs of beachgoers.

Initial Design Concepts, Sketches, or Wireframes

During the ideation phase, I generated various design concepts, sketches, and wireframes. These initial ideas focused on capturing the beach theme, incorporating vibrant visuals, and ensuring intuitive user interaction. The designs were sketched and iterated upon to create a visual representation of the intended experience, facilitating early feedback and validation.

User Testing Results

User testing played a crucial role in refining the designs and improving the user experience. By conducting usability tests and gathering feedback from potential users, I was able to identify pain points, areas of confusion, and opportunities for improvement. The user testing results guided design iterations and informed decisions that aimed to enhance the usability and effectiveness of the website.

Mockups or High-Fidelity Prototypes of Final, Polished Designs

Based on the insights gained from user testing and iterative design processes, I developed high-fidelity prototypes and mockups that showcased the final, polished designs. These designs incorporated the vibrant beach-themed visuals, clear navigation, and intuitive user interactions that were refined throughout the project. The goal was to create a visually appealing and user-friendly website that exceeded customer expectations and provided a seamless snack ordering experience for beachgoers.

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